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Visit Us 8 Hunter Road,
Altona North, VIC 3025

Defined House Set-Out

House Set Out in Victoria

A house set-out is a critical procedure that turns architectural plans into reality by marking out the precise location of a property on a tract of land. A set-out enables construction workers and engineers to build a structure – which must start at the right spot – exactly as the design determines.

Landset offers a range of land surveying and building set-out services around the Melbourne area. We use advanced surveying techniques accurately and pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure the proper positioning of a building before construction begins.

Accurate Representation of Architectural Plans

Our team of experienced surveyors precisely mark the locations of walls, columns, foundations, and utilities according to the architectural plans. We guarantee your house will align perfectly with the intended design and dimensions.

Land Set Logo on Office Building

Land Surveyors in Victoria

Our experienced surveyors utilise top-notch equipment to ensure the utmost precision in the house set-out process. You can have full confidence in the alignment and placement of your home as we enable builders and contractors to proceed with a seamless construction process.

Good, Honest Work by a Straight-Up Surveying Firm

Trust us to provide fair dinkum house set-out services in the Greater Melbourne, Geelong, Mornington Peninsula, Ballarat & Bendigo areas. We guarantee that the builders can construct your home precisely and accurately based on our layout. Please don’t hesitate to discuss your next project; our services will ensure you are up and running soon.

Re-establishment Surveys